Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Blog


I've been having the blog word shoved in my face lately (Adam, kind of looking in your direction.) I think I am going to give this another try.

Not much goes on in my day to day life.. maybe some amusing anecdotes, add a dab of failure, stir it up with a few tall cans, and that's pretty much what you get.  I am just going to tell it like it is regarding the world that I live in. Whether it be work, life, moving or even just flat ass broke.. I hope to at least share a few experiences of The Man, The Mystery, The One and Only....

 The SwirlyJoe!

1 comment:

Desomniac said...

All you need to do is keep it real. Well, until keeping it real goes too far. Than you've gone too far. Just remember what Chapelle has taught us.